Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Hi, I am Gloria and this is my first blog, I am presently a graduate of Syracusa University and I am concern about the way in which our students are expected to learn.

Research with children and adults have shown that learning by root contributed little to building an individual's knowledge structures. According to Novak in his article, "The Origin of the Concept Mapping " (www.ihmc.us) the use of concept maps could help students learn how to learn meaningfully. In this way learners acquire more powerful knowledge structures.

When I went to school concept maps were drawn by hand and this was difficult and time comsuming. Today the introduction of computers enables the developement of software programs that fascilitate the construction of concept maps.

On this blog we will focus on concept mapping softwares and discuss ways inwhich educators can use them to help children learn.


PS108Library said...

Kidspiration and Inspiration can be used with our students to create time lines in Social Studies. The younger students love to use the time line for an autobiography even the older students enjoy this too. The software can be use in all subject areas and the students love the work that they create.

Katie said...

Nice introduction to your assigned information technology, concept mappning software!
