Monday, June 4, 2007


Today I'd like to tell you about my new found Concept-Mapping Software .

  • Name : Inspiration

  • Manufacturer: Inspiration Software

  • Available platforms :Windows , Macintosh

  • Grades :4-12

Inspiration® is the essential tool students rely on to plan, research and complete projects successfully. With the integrated Diagram and Outline Views, they create graphic organizers and expand topics into writing. This powerful combination encourages learning in multiple modes. As a result, students gain and retain a better understanding of concepts and demonstrate knowledge, improving their performance across the curriculum.

Students develop essential learning strategies as they create graphic organizers to visually represent concepts and relationships. As a result, students gain and retain a better understanding of concepts and demonstrate knowledge, improving their performance across the curriculum.

Please take a tour of Inspiration at


PS108Library said...

Hi Gloria,

I love this software. What you wrote is perfect on how this software can be utilized with our students. Inspiration has so many special features to help them create their diagrams. They kids love playing with the clipart. Thanks for sharing.


Stacy said...

Gloria, you always do such good research! I did my Reading Masters thesis on graphic organizers. They're fun to use. This is amazing software.