Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This week with IST 611

This week we are discussing the issue of cyberbullying!

This has become a problem for many of our students because they think they have a right to freedom of speech so they think they can say anything to any one. I am amazed to know the various kinds of abuse that some students go through on the internet as they participate in social networking sites such as my crib or my space and the many others. But what are the parents doing about this problem ? since it is obvious that many of these incidents take place at home where children spend hours on the internet unsupervised. Is it any wonder that our schools have lost control of the students?


Anonymous said...

This is a major problem. Many of our students are left unattended at home or parents are not computer savvy enough to know what their children are doing on different sites. If you take a look at my blog, you can read my experience with social networking sites.
I want to be able to educate the parents and let them know about the dangers some of their children might be getting into. I am sure that once we show the parents some of the unfortunate smut their children are looking at and participating in, they might become more diligent in supervising them when online.

PS108Library said...

I so agree with both you and Margaret. we need to inform the parents about the dangers of the internet. I had a parent workshop in my library last year and I showed the parents how to strickly filter Google. I didn't realize it had this option till one day when I played with the preferences. I was collabrating with a 5th grade teacher on an ocean unit and we google image octopus. You don't even want to know about the pornographic images that popped up. Thank goodness no children were in the library. I would like to do more workshops and handouts to the parents in the fall to try to get parents awareness of the dangerous side of the internet

Stacy said...

Gloria, you raise a very important point about parent awareness. Doesn't it always seem that the parents who need it the most don't make it to the meetings?

I wonder how successful a parent's club might be which is specifically geared toward online awareness? Then again it could be a part of the PTA/PA?

Gloria said...

Well Guys ,
It seems our task as librarians is quite a serious one. Neverthe less we will endeavor to do the best we can to make this world abetter place.

Well done Margie , we all should be reaching out to these parents because they really need our help.

The problem of pornography is quite privalent too. Every now and then a student will scream out at the computer , because of pornography just popping up .

Anyway lets keep talking , and writing and working hard toward the eradication of these sins.

Stacy said...

Gloria, what do you do when something inappropriate pops up on a screen? It's so difficult to do damage control once the cat is out of the bag, so to speak.