Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Concept Mapping Software -SMART IDEAS

Learning to think and learning to learn are two essential skills for student success in every curriculum area and academic oursuit. Research in both educational theory and cognitive psychlogy tells us that visual learning is among the very best methods for teaching students of all ages how to think and how to learn.
This week I'd like to tell you about the SMART IDEAS software which brings the power of visual learning to your class room. With this software students will better understand and analyse complex ideas by building multi-level Interactive maps in this colorful software. Multilevel maps take students through concepts one level at a time for graeter clarity, and easily convert into a multipage website for everyone to share.

Everyone should visit the site at : +Ideas/


Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria,
I love the Smart Board. I received training this year. It is another great piece of technology. I saw your concept mapping ideas page with is located at
(Sorry, I can not add a hyperlink here, but you can copy and paste it.)
I like how the concepts to be taught are so nicely laid out. I also like using Notebook, which is their version of a super Powerpoint presentation. With Notebook and a little planning you can really make wonderful interactive activities for the students.
Happy Mapping!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I noticed that the link gets cut off and it will not take you to the page. I will try again to separate it. I hope it works.

PS108Library said...

Hi Gloria,

I love SmartIdeas. When we ordered our smartboards this came with each board. You had to download the software after you gave the access number that the company provided. If you don't buy a board you have to pay for this software. I am unsure of the price. We just ordered 11 more smartboards for our school. Our goal next year is to have a Smartboard in everyclassroom. This way the teachers will you this concept mapping software. Now we just have to set up a professional development plan over the summer.

Gloria said...

Hi Margaret,
Thank you so much I appreciate your contribution. Can you even imagine the wonderful schools we would have if we could make use of all these resources?

Gloria said...

Thank You Robin, This week was a busy one for all of us so many things to remember to do.Anyway , I would really like for all of us to have asmartboard in our libraries but in some schools the Principals dont understand the importance of the library ,so they always bypass the library. Can this course get anymore exciting ?

Gloria said...

Hi Margaret,
Thank you so much I appreciate your contribution. Can you even imagine the wonderful schools we would have if we could make use of all these resources?

Stacy said...

Hi Gloria,

The Smart Ideas look great (and expensive). It does pay for us to go to as many workshops as we can to acquire software/smartware.

I haven't had time to play with my tablet. Maybe I will when I go to
Syracuse this summer for two long weeks.
