Tuesday, August 7, 2007

See you later Guys!

I hate to say goodbye as it makes me feel so sad , so since I hope to see you in a couple weeks I'll just say see you later!
However I must admit that It was a wonderful experience working with you all. I admire Stacy's sharpness in which she just says it as it seems. Margies politeness is adorable , She makes me feel good about my postings and what would I do without loud mouth Robin. Without her I would'nt know when my links dont work . Sometimes I wonder if she sleeps at nights or she just sits and waits for my posts . Thanks Robin you are my backup !
I had never blogged before , and never thought anything good could come out of it but it was indeed a wonderul experience.I enjoyed exploring those educational softwares , and telling others about them.
So here's my poem dedicated to you all:

Gloria's Blogging
maybe wobbling
But with conceptmapping
you will be popping
Dont forget filamentality
it is your instrumentality!

So until ...so long!

With Concept-Mapping and Filamentality softwares


Stacy said...

Just wanted to say thanks for all of your careful research. I learned a lot about concept mapping, Gloria. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thank You for your kind words. I am so glad that we got to blog together. I am also glad that you might still check out my blog. I was thinking of using it to post some lessons and thoughts about the rest of our courses. That would be neat if you would continue checking in.
See you soon...

Gloria said...

Yes Margie I think you should do that. I think we really do well working together. Lets keep our fingers crossed for the uppcoming courses.

Katie said...

I love your poem, Gloria. Thank you for making me smile as I finish grading.


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Smartphone, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://smartphone-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.